First long ride of the year

I went for a spin today to enjoy the awesome heat we've been having. It was also my first ride out with my new Garmin Edge 500. Here's the data from the ride.

It claims I burned nearly 2400 calories, so I guess I get to splurge on something delicious tonight.


WOD: 20100527

I tried a scaled version of a workout from the upcoming Calgary CrossFit Regionals today.

4 rounds for time of:
20 wallballs (20# ball, 9' target)
10 pull-ups

Time: 9:22

I seem to have a problem with my scaling: all my workouts are taking me about the same length of time. I should be working "across broad time and modal domains", so I'll have to change that up somehow.


WOD: 20100525

Fran (at 75# instead of 95#).

21-15-9 reps of
75# thrusters

Time: 9:31

Sub-10-minutes! Now it's time to start working on getting the weight up to 95# without hurting my time too much.


WOD: 20100524

10 shoulder ROMs
10 pull-ups
10 push-ups
10 sit-ups

5-5-5-5-5 back squats

Weights: 135-135-155-165-165

It had been a while since I had done back squats. It was good to get back to them.

WOD: 20100522

Day 6 of consecutive workouts I decided to do a "light heavy day".

3 rounds of 5 deadlifts
3 rounds of 5 front squats

Weights were:

Nice and easy, with a good chance to work on form.


WOD: 20100521

Finishing off my 5-day stretch of scaled workouts, I did approx. 3/5th of the the CrossFit.com workout:

4 rounds for time of
275m run
30 squats

(Unscaled was 400m and 50.)

Time: 8:39

My experiment has been a success. Focusing on scaling the workouts so that it takes me approximately the amount of time it takes the elite CrossFit athletes to complete the unscaled workouts has left me feeling worked by energetic, instead of sore and dejected.


WOD: 20100520

For time, partitioned in any way:
20 shoulder to overhead, 95#
40 burpees

Time: 5:57

This was my first workout in my newly outfitted garage gym! A big thanks to Rogue Fitness Canada, who cut me a great deal on some really high-quality equipment.


WOD: 20100519

Continuing on my theme of more frequent, more scaled workouts I scaled this workout from CrossFit Montreal.

12-10-8-6-4-2 reps of:
body weight deadlift (165# for me)
24" box jumps

Time: 13:49

This felt good. The deadlifts pre-stressed my grip before the pull-ups, and then the box jumps pre-stressed my legs before the deadlifts, which was an interesting experience.


WOD: 20100518

30-20-10 reps of

A nice light (i.e. heavily scaled) workout to go with my light week.

I'm trying a week of heavily scaled workouts to try to combat the cycle of heavy workout, many sore days of rest that I had fallen into.

Time on this one was 13:40 I think: I forgot my stopwatch and lost track of the time on the clock at the gym.

My double-unders are definitely improved relative to where I started, and I definitely have lots of future improvement to strive for as well.


WOD: 20100517

For time:

21 75# thrusters
28 jumping towel pull-ups
15 75# thrusters
20 jumping towel pull-ups
9 75# thrusters
12 jumping towel pull-ups

Time: 6:58

My thrusters still need a lot of work (this was really hard on my wrists because I wasn't doing a good job of catching the bar on my shoulders), but I did manage the complete sets 1 and 3 unbroken.


WOD: 20100514

I took a stab at a scaled version of "Eva" today.

5 rounds for time:
800m run
30 x 1.5 pood kettlebell swings
15 pull-ups

I only made it through 4 rounds, and even that took me 38:40. Ouch.


WOD: 20100512

A rough workout after a long weekend off.

5 rounds for time of:
5 pull-ups
5 dips
10 95# hang power cleans
row 220m

Time: 19:35

I was working on doing the pull-ups chest-to-bar, and succeeded on just over 75% of the reps.


WOD: 20100506

I had a rather unsatisfying workout this morning. I don't normally work myself to failure and it turns out that I find it really frustrating when I do. Especially when I don't make the weight I had expected I could.

5 rounds of the following,
5 dumbbell deadlifts
5 dumbbell squat cleans
5 dumbbell push-presses
5 dumbbell squats

Each round was done for weight without ever letting go of the dumbbells. If you miss a rep, that round is over.

I did:

45# (failed on the push-presses)
45# (failed on the cleans)

Maybe I should be easier on myself consider the most weight I've worked with on barbell cleans is 95# so far.


WOD: 20100504

I tried 3 rounds of Barbara today (instead of the prescribed 5 rounds).

3 rounds for time of:
20 pull-ups
30 push-ups
40 sit-ups
50 squats
Rest exactly 3 minutes between rounds

Total time was 29:55, so 23:55 without the rest counted.

WOD: 20100503

My day was heading in all the wrong directions, so I left work early and went home for a quick workout.

AMRAP in 12 minutes of
5 pull-ups
5 push-ups
10 sit-ups
10 wallballs, 20#

I made it through 8 rounds + 5 pull-ups. And my day was back on track.